Happy 2nd Anniversary - Doncaster Divas

Two Years Of Burlesque Brilliance With Paris Chantilly And The Doncaster Divas…

Welcome to the world of Burlesque With Paris and the Doncaster Divas!

As we celebrate our 2nd anniversary, it's time to reflect on the journey we have taken together over the past year. From classic routines to dazzling performances, it has been a year filled with boas, brilliance, and empowerment. Join us as we look back on the highlights of our burlesque journey with the Doncaster Divas.

Term 1 - I Just Want To Make Love To You

A Journey Begun With Boas And Brilliance…

The inception of Doncaster Divas two years ago marked a pivotal moment in the lives of many, igniting a vibrant community bound by the allure and artistry of burlesque. Every Friday night, an air of anticipation fills the room as divas of all walks of life come together, eager to delve into the evening's adventures. The essence of burlesque, with its rich tapestry of boas, feathers, and sequins, has not just been about the performances, it's been a journey of transformation. Under the twinkling lights, amidst laughter and music, friendships have been forged and confidence has been built. The classes have become a sanctuary, a space where empowerment and self-expression are not just encouraged but celebrated. The divas, each with their unique stories and reasons for stepping into the world of Burlesque With Paris, have found a common ground, a shared love for the art form that transcends the ordinary and elevates the spirit. Paris Chantilly, with her unwavering passion and expertise, has been the guiding light on this journey, fostering an environment where every diva feels valued and inspired. It's been a rollercoaster of emotions, achievements, and, most importantly, fun. The journey with boas and brilliance has been about discovering oneself, unleashing hidden talents, and embracing the joy of performing without reservations. The Doncaster Divas have not just learned routines; they have woven a tapestry of memories that sparkle as brightly as their costumes, a testament to the transformative power of burlesque.

Celebrating Our Year Of Spectacular Routines…

Term 7 - It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

This year, the Doncaster Divas have embarked on an incredible journey of learning, with each term presenting a new and exciting challenge that has allowed our divas to explore the diverse world of burlesque. From the sultry moves of classic burlesque set to "I Just Want To Make Love To You" complete with gloves and boas, to the elegance of feather fan burlesque in "Smash", utilising the majestic ostrich fans, every routine has been a step further into the dazzling universe of performance art. The divas have also ventured into the realms of Bump and Grind, Neo Burlesque, Broadway Burlesque, and concluded the year with a festive Feather Fan Dance, each style offering a unique opportunity to express their creativity and passion. These routines have not only showcased the versatility and talent within our group but have also been pivotal in honing the skills of each performer. Embracing each genre, from the provocatively modern to the classically enchanting, our divas have truly made their mark. The dedication to mastering the intricate choreography, embracing the thematic costumes, and bringing their individual flair to each performance has been nothing short of inspiring. This exploration of burlesque's rich tapestry has fostered a deeper understanding and appreciation for the art form, cementing a year of not just learning routines, but of celebrating the spirit and essence of burlesque itself.

Over the year our students in Doncaster Divas have mastered and learned…

Term 1 - Classic Burlesque - I Just Want To Make Love To You - Gloves and Boas

Term 2 - Feather Fan Burlesque - Smash - Ostrich Fans

Term 3 - Bump and Grind Burlesque - Fire In My Head - Gloves and Capes

Term 4 - Neo Burlesque - S&M

Term 5 - Broadway Burlesque - All That Jazz - Trilby Hats and Fringe Skirts

Term 6 - Neo Burlesque - Venus - Chiffon Arm Scarfs and Chiffon Cuffs

Term 7 - Feather Fan Dance - It’s Beginning To Look Allot Like Christmas - Ostrich Fans

Doncaster Divas Class Performance - Burlesque Ball - 11th November 2023

The Glittering Burlesque Ball Of 2023…

The Burlesque Ball at Drax Sports and Social Club emerged as a highlight in the calendar, encapsulating the essence of our collective journey through 2023. A culmination of months of dedication, creativity, and rehearsals, the night unfolded with an array of spellbinding performances that truly captured the heart of Burlesque With Paris. The atmosphere buzzed with anticipation as our Doncaster Divas, adorned in their most glamorous attire, took to the stage, each moment on it an affirmation of their passion and hard work. The collective performance to ‘Venus’ was a spectacle, showcasing the unity and strength within our group, while individual acts by Ruby Rose, Salacious Silk, and She She La Play added layers of depth and diversity to the evening’s repertoire. These performances were not just displays of talent but emblematic of personal journeys, embodying growth, confidence, and the sheer joy of expression. The applause that filled the room was not just for the artistry on display but for the spirit and resilience behind each act. The event was more than a celebration, it was a testament to the transformative power of burlesque, a space where artistry, empowerment, and community converged to create unforgettable moments. The vibrancy and energy that emanated from the stage that night mirrored the essence of what it means to be part of the Doncaster Divas, highlighting the indelible mark each performer has made not just on the audience but on the very fabric of our vibrant community.

Ruby Rose Solo Performance - Burlesque Ball - 11th November 2023

She She La Play Solo Performance - Burlesque Ball - 11th November 2023

Salacious Silk Solo Performance - Burlesque Ball - 11th November 2023

Doncaster Divas Class Awards - Burlesque Ball - 11th November 2023 - Salacious Silk, Belladonna Rose, and Beltane Bette.

Honouring Our Dazzling Divas…

The Burlesque Ball of 2023 served as the perfect stage to honour the extraordinary achievements of our cherished members through the Doncaster Divas class awards. Amidst an evening resonant with the vibrancy of performances and the shared joy of our community, three of our Doncaster Divas stood out for their unparalleled commitment and growth over the year. Salacious Silk, with her unmatched charisma and skill, was rightfully celebrated as the Star Of The Class, a testament to her outstanding presence and dedication. Belladonna Rose, embodying the spirit of perseverance, was honoured as Miss Dedicated, recognising her relentless effort and passion that shone through every routine. Lastly, Beltane Bette's transformative journey was acknowledged as she was named Miss Most Improved, highlighting her remarkable progress and the inspiration she has become for us all. These awards, beyond mere accolades, symbolise the heart and soul poured into their craft, underscoring the essence of what makes our Doncaster Divas community thrive, dedication, transformation, and the unwavering support we extend to one another. Witnessing their growth and celebrating these milestones together amplifies the bond that ties us, reinforcing the ethos of empowerment and mutual upliftment that the Doncaster Divas stand for.

Reflecting on our whirlwind journey together, I am filled with immense gratitude towards each of you, my Dazzling Doncaster Divas. Your boundless energy and dedication have transformed every class into a celebration of burlesque's enchanting world.

Happy 2nd Anniversary To All My Dazzling Divas.

“Here’s to another year of glitter, sequins and fabulous achievements. You ladies are incredible and I am so proud to have each and every one of you as part of Doncaster Divas”

Paris xxxxx

Are you ready to unleash your inner diva and step into a world where empowerment meets artistry head-on? Doncaster Divas offers a unique opportunity to explore the rich, expressive tapestry of burlesque, a space where beginners and seasoned performers alike can find their stride.

Under the expert tutelage of Paris Chantilly, our classes are more than just learning dance routines, they are a celebration of self-expression, confidence, and the collective joy of discovering your own version of burlesque brilliance.